$97.00 USD

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This course is an introduction to the book of Revelation, focusing on (1) background information (author, date, historical context, literary genre, etc.), (2) interpretative issues (various approaches and key principles), (3) theology (what does the book teach us about God, Jesus, the church, etc.), and (4) eschatology and millennial views related to the book of Revelation.


  • Comprehend background information of the book of Revelation so as to better interpret the book according to how it would have been received by the original audience.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the interpretive positions and key principles related to the book of Revelation.
  • Explain with specific examples the theology of the book of Revelation as it relates to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, our enemies, and heaven.
  • Articulate the various eschatological and millennial positions within the framework of the larger theological system.


  • Duration: approx. 6 weeks
  • Total video: 10 Hours
  • Suggested textbook reading: beginner

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